Our Story

Taleeta is the sister brand of Desiderate Jewellery.

It’s my new fashion label, and it will bring you all the high quality and excellent customer service you’ve come to expect from Desiderate. 

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve struggled to find fashions that suit my figure, feel comfortable to wear and look great. I don’t want to dress like a dowdy Grandma (even though I am a Granny). I don't mind paying a bit extra for quality that will last, but I don’t want to pay a fortune for a designer label. 

And I knew I was not alone. 

Speaking to friends and potential customers, everyone said the same thing. ‘I want fashionable clothes that look great, fit well and are natural fabrics. 

And so Taleeta was born. 

The Taleeta woman

You’re 40+ and you’re not as young, slim and fit as you once were. You want to look great and feel great at the same time.

You’re tired of finding a lovely outfit, only to realise the skirt is too short or the waistband is too tight, or the cut or colour is wrong. Or worse — the largest size is AU12. (When the average Aussie woman is size 14-16, that’s ridiculous! )

Taleeta will give you the right size range with cuts that don’t pinch, fabrics that don’t scratch and designs that flatter — no matter what your shape.
